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What is Plagiocephaly?

Often called positional plagiocephaly, or flat head syndrome, is very treatable. It causes the babies head to have a flattened appearance. This is not painful for the baby, and is often caused by repeated pressure on one side of the babies head due to sleeping in a specific position. 


Plagiocephaly is often the word used to describe all flat heads, but in reality, plagiocephaly is the flattening of one side of the head, and brachycephaly is the flattening of the back of the head.


How do I treat it?

The treatment for plagiocephaly can include various exercises, reducing the amount of time the child lies on that area, or a cranial molding helmet. 

A physical therapist who specializes in plagiocephaly and brachycephaly can often help the issue with PT, especially if it is identified early. Oftentimes, a child has torticollis and needs PT to strengthen and train the neck muscles.  In some cases, a helmet and physical therapy together may be the best treatment for the child. 


In severe cases, a cranial molding helmet is often worn for 2-6 months, for 23 hours a day, to correct the shape of the head. The treatment is less effective after 12 months of age because the skull resists reshaping as the bone thickens.

There is currently only one place in Israel that offers a cranial orthotic (a helmet). 


Schneider's Children's Hospital in Petach Tikvah has a Starband clinic, and can scan your babies head using the SmartSoc technology. A helmet will be ordered for you, and will be adjustment weekly or monthly, based on your child's needs. 
Currently, the cost of the helmet for Plagiocephaly is not covered by the Ministry of Health.

You will need a referral (Hafnaya) from your pediatrician to the neurosurgery unit in Schneider's. Once you send that in, the hospital will contact you with an appointment date. You must bring the guarantee of payment (Hitchayvut) that you receive from your Kupat Cholim to your appointment. 


Schneider's Children's Hospital

Pediatric Neurosurgery Unit

Dr. Amir Kershenovich


Secretary: Sapir Hillel


Physical Therapist - Clinic in Modi'in

Naama Eyal 


Naama Eyal has 2 decades of experience working with infants with plagiocephaly, brachycephaly, and torticollis. 



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